Episode 147: Elementals, Extraterrestrials, And Us!

Hi everyone. My guest today is a fascinating woman who has shared her knowledge of extraterrestrial encounters, through her then husband and his military connections. Also her knowledge of elementals and the deep connections within her husband’s family. She opens up about the transition from traditional religious practices to embracing a more expansive understanding of spirituality.

Are you willing to walk into this part of the Shadowlands and see what awaits us there? Then let’s begin.

Jo Ann Fawcett is a California native. She has an Associate of Arts degree in Film Production and Accounting. She is the mother of a successful grown daughter. And is the proud grandmother of three. She enjoys reading, needlework, walking, travel and spending time with the family. She is owned by her sibling cats, Winston and Princess Charlotte.

Jo Ann never aspired to be a writer. In the late 90s, she published a community newspaper, writing articles about interesting places to visit and environmental issues. Years later, while speaking at a super-soldier conference about her former husband’s military experiences, an attendee asked her when her next story was coming out. Not her husband’s next story, her story.

Several years later, Jo Ann finally put her story on paper. Midlife Magic is Joann’s first book. The Prince Was Wrong, Leaving the Narcissist Behind is Jo Ann’s second book.

I’d like to welcome my special guest today, Jo Ann Fawcett.

Elementals, Extraterrestrials, And Us!

Marianne: I’ve been looking forward to talking with Jo Ann. She has a very interesting background. And I’m excited to explore whatever comes up in our conversation today. So welcomeJo Ann.

Jo Ann: Thanks for having me.

You’re welcome. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about yourself, Jo Ann, and we can just take it from there really.

All right. I live in Portland, Oregon. I used to live in California, but I’ve lived in several states around the United States. I just turned 70 a couple of weeks ago I have a grown daughter and three grandchildren who are, 16 to 21. And they all live in the area, so that’s really nice. I don’t see them every day or anything like that, but I see them often enough. We have regular family things. I am a bookkeeper by trade. I’ve been a bookkeeper for over 40 years. I’ve been married seven times. I’ve seen UFOs, I’ve seen ghosts, I’ve seen fairies. I’m a witch. I’m working on my third book, I’ve already published two books.

Yeah, I saw that. And I always generally like to read my guest book, or books if I can, before I have them on, so I can have a informed conversation. But unfortunately I never got the opportunity to read yours. Your two books are called, Midlife Magic and The Prince is Wrong: leaving the narcissist behind. We’re not going to pay too much attention to second book. Because that’s not the area that we go into in this podcast. The area that I generally cover in this podcast is spirituality, UFOs, unexplained, paranormal, things that make people think.


And question what reality is.

I love all that.

I had a feeling you might. How did you go from being a deeply religious woman? To

To not!

Wiccan. Yeah, it’s a big leap.

It is. And I don’t say that I’m. Wiccan per se. I just like to say I embrace more of the British Celtic craft.


But when I met husband number seven, I had to make a decision. Do I want to sit in church all day? And go do church service many nights a week? Or do I want to sit and listen and get to know this fascinating person? And and we started talking about topics that I would never talk about at church. And it’s I’m. Oh, my whole life was just, Oh, there’s cool stuff beyond the church. So I never had a traumatic problem with the church. I just, all of a sudden did not need it anymore. And I just started visiting him more and more.

And then our relationship, kept going and things like that. So he opened my eyes to spirituality versus religiousness. And just so many possibilities of things to think about and believe in. And know about the vast universe. And then later, it’s Oh, and he started mentioning the craft and many of his partners, his female partners throughout his life, are witches.

And it’s like his daughters are witches, okay I think I’d like to learn more. And then I went on a business errand. for a new client. And the bookkeeper I was replacing, she’s a witch, who I’ve taken several classes from since. But it’s like I walked into her house and she has a little flyer. And it’s talking about like the elements of magic class.

And I go, Oh, I think I, that looks interesting. She goes, yeah, you smell like a, you have the smell. I go, what does a witch smell like? But she just knew that was in me before I even really knew it. And I’m starting to learn that there’s some magical things that have been passed. Or, were practiced in my lineage and traditions that they had that related to woowoo stuff regarding women.

It’s huh, I don’t come by this. It’s just by happenstance. So it’s, come out and it’s very. And now I’m finding that my daughter has some very similar gifts that she never, she’s finally starting to be vocal about. It’s we don’t practice the same way. She doesn’t call herself a witch. Even though her fiance calls her a witch. But it’s all in good humor because she’s very spiritually inclined that way. And she’s very intuitive. It’s huh, this is a family trait. I love this.

And very often it is passed down from generation to generation.

Yeah. So it wasn’t taught to me but the knowing that was, it was always in me. I just didn’t know it. It’s nothing my grandmothers wouldn’t, okay, and we’re all witches, dear. They didn’t say anything like that.

Because they probably wouldn’t have used that term anyway, wise woman, healers.

And, it’s like a, one of them, either my mom or my grandma was talking… and it’s we had a tradition in our family when the girl had her first menstrual cycle, we would have this little ritual that we would take her in the woods and do that. And I’m going. My mom never did that for me. And she was saying, either my mom was telling me this or her mom? But that had been passed down to, and done for my mom. I think you didn’t do that for me, but it was just so cool to think that oh, there are traditions that came down through my lineage that, how cool that is? And I didn’t even know it was a thing, what they did. And I was like this is really cool. So I do come by it naturally, apparently.

The one thing I do, and it makes sense. Because like my family, we were all into boy and girl scouts and stuff. So in my family, we always did camping because it was The only vacation we could afford. But again, my family, my parents taught me this love of nature. So both ways that just came to me naturally. And I love being out in nature. And I have been able to share that with my grand-kids, especially, when they were little, we don’t get to do as much of it now. But it’s just, it’s so lovely to be able to share that love of nature and the world around you with your kids.

Oh, it’s beautiful. And really, that’s what that’s what the Celtic practices are about. I really don’t like the term Wiccan because that’s a new term. But yeah, that’s what those natural practices are all about. It’s about being in touch with nature. Natural laws. Nothing against nature. Totally working in balance with the energies.

And my daughter she’s a lactation consultant, but she’s also a master herbalist and she uses that in her lactation practice. And most of my medicine is through her herbal practice, but it’s huh, it’s I didn’t hardly, I used a few herbs when she was young, but I, I didn’t have a million herbs around me. So it’s like she got, maybe she came by some of that naturally, but then she just naturally went that way. And use it in her practice. Because, she could have chosen just to use a lot of Western medicine with her clients, but she doesn’t she uses herbs and things with them. And so it’s this is, it’s so wonderful that she’s chosen that. And, most of her kids, hardly some of them have to use Western medicine. But they’ve grown up on herbal medicine and that’s done most of them just fine for most of their lives. Some of them have health issues that, now need Western medicine. Sometimes I do too.

Yeah. That’s awesome.

Ghosts or UFOs?

First of all, I’ll actually tell you where I come from the point of perspective of UFOs. I’ve been an experiencer since I was three years old.


Yeah. Face to face. interaction with star people. So I know they exist. There’s not a doubt in my mind. And I’ve talked openly about experiences that I’ve had on my podcast and on podcasts where I’ve been a guest. That’s where I come from. So you’ll not find any scepticism from me as far as that. Let’s start with that.

Okay. Sure.

The thing that caught my eye specifically was the word super-soldier.

I am not a super-soldier.


Some people have called my ex-husband a super-soldier.

Like one of the early ones?

Not necessarily the same experiences as super-soldiers that are now, out on the conference circuits and what have you. But I grew up, if we’re the same age, we grew up in the 50s, 60s, watching Martian movies and all that. It’s okay, that’s great entertainment, but okay, that’s not part of my world. And when I met husband number seven, I learned that his experience, His and his dad’s experience in the military, was all about dealing with the military side of UFOs and non-humans. Here on this planet and out in space. They were part of a military program that regularly… they had spacecraft that went out in space, did missions, fought aliens, all that good stuff.

So I learned. More of the science part of it and about space science and about the reality of there being non-humans. And some are scary. Some are not. Some are really cool. I love to talk about the really cool ones. And I can talk about negative stuff as well, but it just opened my eyes because coming from a Christian background, even though all the major church leaders know all this stuff is going on. They don’t talk about it over the pulpit.

So I was fascinated to learn that, the Vatican knows all about aliens. And they’re collecting debris from fallen stuff. And they put it in the Vatican archives. And the Mormon leaders would help the military deal with alien stuff. So it’s pretty cool. But of course, whatever you want all the help you can get, but And I’ve had my own UFO sightings. I’ve seen drone craft. I’ve seen craft that are following me, and saying hello. Because who’s inside is friends of my ex husband. And they were keeping an eye on me. And the ex husband is in prison.

So one of the times I was visiting him, we’re outside on the patio for one of our overnight visits. And there’s this huge triangular craft that came. Right over where we were staying. Because they wanted me to see it. And he knew who was flying it Even though there’s a Air Force Base right near that prison, It wasn’t ours. And because our triangular craft can’t go that slow. And can’t go that low. And this was only like about a thousand or so feet above us. But, it was slow I could see the shape I could see the lights I could hear the of the engine or whatever the compulsion system.

And it was amazing. I was like, okay that was the best 65th birthday present I’ve ever had. That was cool. And but I didn’t doubt that this, and especially because I had my own sightings throughout the years after I met him. I had no doubt believing the stuff he was telling me. And it made perfect sense. Why wouldn’t you? Why wouldn’t you talk, I’ve seen… what I’ve learned that are drone craft following me around of from friendly aliens. I’ve seen sightings that looked like a shooting star. But it was really, it was like that’s slower than a shooting star. And it was, I was in a big group. We were having a skywatch. And I’ve seen alien craft when people are using night vision goggles. They often attach it to a video camera so we can see things.

So that was great. I’ve seen it that way. I’ve seen it through, My night vision goggles wearing them and one time, like I said, my ex husband who had all this military experience with aliens and UFOs. And who started teaching me, he couldn’t tell me everything. But he told me a lot and what he could tell me. And he’s dealt with aliens on and off the planet. The military has their own spacecraft where they deal, have battles. And go exploring. Or go off to treaty conferences, things like that. There’s lots of things. And obviously he couldn’t tell me a lot of it. But there’s also used to be an international intelligence agency.

So whenever there was threats or concerns affecting the planet, lots of governments and militaries would get together, and work together. And at first, when it was formed in the forties, Admiral Nimitz was the, in charge. And then when he died, my ex father in law became in charge. I was told a lot, because that wasn’t U. S. military. Then, he could tell me more, than he couldn’t tell me stuff about his U. S. military involvement. But I learned about spacecraft, and I learned about the science of space. And haven’t learned about hundreds of types of species. But, I’ve learned about many species. Lots of them are friendly. Lots of them are not friendly. Some originated on this planet, many more originated off planet. Some come here to try and invade us or to take over. Or they want to take over. There have been several attempts, especially. I don’t know what’s happening now, but especially in the 70s, maybe early 80s? But especially in the 70s, there were a lot of invasion attempts. And that was when my ex husband was at his busiest time. Because he was young and that was before prison. So I’m sure more was happening after he went to prison, I, he wasn’t involved. So lots of stuff.

I remember driving one time from Northern California to like the Sacramento area when I was going to visit him at the prison. And I don’t know? It was five or six o’clock in the morning. Cause it was a two hour drive and I’m driving along this two lane highway. And all of a sudden there’s this bright light in the sky. That’s too low for a star. And, but then it would. It would go dark and then it would go light again. And so it was like cloaking and it’s like, okay, honey, I think your friends were saying hello to me when I was driving here. He goes, yeah, probably. And another time I was in Phoenix visiting some friends. And we would go walking at night and they were, I’d met them at a UFO conference or something.

And so we’d go walking a night. And one neighbourhood was too suburban. So there were too many lights. So we didn’t see anything. And one of the things he used to tell me was, remember to look up. And the next night we took a different route, fewer street lights and things. And we’re looking up, we’re just chatting. Three women were chatting and walking.And there’s this. Star just blinking at us. I’m going, ladies, do you see that? I don’t think that’s a star. They’re going, no, I don’t think so either. And again, it was his friends in their spacecraft saying, hello, I’m here. We’re just watching out for you. I felt like they were trying to say hello, trying to let me know they were around.

They couldn’t really just land and say, hi, this is who we are type of thing. There’s treaties against that. But I was also felt very protected, because they always seem to be around. Especially when I’d go to England to speak, they were always protecting and hovering. And at least sending drone craft out to watch out for me. And I did feel very protected. So that was really nice. Oh, the other one, the biggest sighting I ever had was when I turned 65 and I was back at the prison. We were having like an overnight visit. And he had just gone out to the outer patio door to be, counted by the guards. And he said, Oh, come on out here.

And it’s about nine-thirty at night. And all of a sudden I’m looking up and there’s the biggest triangular craft, just flying slowly over our patio. And there was like A wide mesh, but like hard mesh wire top over the patch. So it wasn’t like totally open sky or anything. But anyway, we could see through it. And we could see the stars in the sky and everything that was pretty cool. So then there’s this giant triangular craft. I couldn’t see a lot of it, but I could tell it was triangular. It had red lights. And it was going whoop. And it’s okay, this is pretty cool. That’s not one of ours. And he goes, no. And I’m going, okay, those are your friends. And he goes, yes. And, so, wanted to say hello and wanted to prove that, this is who they are. So that was really exciting. And then it came back and did it one more time, just so I’d be sure to see it. So that was my present for turning 65. And it was our wedding anniversary at the time too. So that was a really lovely gift.

Have I seen anything since? No, but he and I started, things started falling apart after that. And so no more family, no more overnight visits. And no more close up encounters. But I have my proof. Have I ever seen an alien? No. Do I believe that they’re real? Yes. Have I been abducted? Not that I know of. But I know that happens. I’ve talked to enough people that have talked about their experiences. I just, I totally believe. And even as a Mormon, you read the Mormon scriptures that say, God created all these worlds out there. So it’s okay, then they must be inhabited. And, they’re not all human out there. Not that the scriptures are going to say that. Because, they want you to think they all look like the Christian God, but they don’t. It depends on what kind of planet or world you live on, determines what kind of body you are. You might just be a blob of gas. You might be a whale. You might be a cat or a dog, or some kind of insect.

There’s many kinds of reptilians. Some originated on this planet. Some originated out in space. Some are friendly. Most of them are not, but there’s a very friendly reptilian species that I used to talk. I still talk about them a lot. They’re like the Velociraptors from Jurassic world. And they originated on this planet. They left the planet millions of years ago to colonize space. They have a vast empire in space run by a female, which I love. And they’ve come back here. They have bases here. They’re great. They have families. They love art. They love education. They love science. They don’t like to develop their own technology. They like to borrow a lot of technology. But they’re really smart and they’re funny. And they’re quirky. And what can I say? I would love to meet one. They look scary, but they can be, and they used to eat us regularly, but they don’t any more. Their Empress in the fifties decided, Oh, it’s a good idea for us to become good friends with, or friends with the humans. Especially those ones in the United States, because they’ve been our ally since the early fifties.

There’s, okay. I will say on the triangle UFO. I’ve actually seen one of those. I was driving to Auckland. From Hamilton in New Zealand, which is about two hours north of where I lived. And I had my two daughters in the car who were teenagers at that stage, And it was nighttime. I was taking up some jewelery. I had some sterling silver jewelery I had created for my niece’s wedding. A tiara and a necklace and stuff like that.

Oh, nice.

Yeah, it was really lovely. And we were just going up. It was about maybe six or seven at night and it was just starting to get dark. And like you, I saw this light, really low. Orangey colored light. Huh. But it just kept getting dim and then it would go, got brighter. And it just was coming towards us. And I was driving, I was thinking that’s not a plane. Because it was semi on the plane route. That’s not a plane. Then it came closer .And it went to the left a little bit. And I could see that it was a triangular UFO.

Again, it was only about a thousand feet above us. And then, stopped the car and got out. And it came and changed direction from the right of me. Sorry not the left of me, from the right of me. Across the road to the side where I was on. And we drive on the left hand side here in New Zealand. So it came across to where I was, flew right across us, dead silent. Didn’t make a sound, not a sound. I could see all the lights, my daughters were terrified, I was just like, oh okay, I wonder who you belong to, and then it just Took off.

Wow. One of the times, and I do acknowledge that human militaries do have triangular crafts .They do. But, they usually don’t, can’t go that slow so that you could actually see them. So there was another time, one of the times I was in England I’ve spoken at several conferences there. But we were visiting the lady that was kind enough to drive me from conference to conference. We stopped in Glastonbury to stay with her friend. And she wanted to show me the tour and look for fairies. And that was all really cool. We were out one night in the woods on this Ridge looking for fairies. And all of a sudden, the stars are starting to come out. And this one just goes horizontal and then vertical it’s okay, guys, that’s not a star clearly the stars don’t move like that.

And again, it was a drone craft. My ex husband’s friends. And just keeping an eye on us. Because that same drone craft had been like the night before when we had stayed or a couple nights before when you’ve stayed a little bit farther north in Cheshire. At a hotel it’s out in nowhere, but in the country. And we were looking up and she was always taking pictures with her camera. And she was, what do you think that black spot is? I go, I don’t know, but it’s probably somebody following us. And it was the same craft the next night or, whenever it was a couple of days later, because I think then we went to a conference and then we went to Glastonbury, but it’s just. I love the fact that they wanted to me around and protect me. I thought that was pretty cool.

That is pretty cool to have that experience. How much can you trust your ex husband’s knowledge?

I get a lot of that now. I’ve seen, military paperwork. So I know he was in the military. A lot of people doubt me, but I believe it. And I’ve seen the paperwork. I’ve had other, veterans organization leaders that have verified his military experience. That’s all good. And I’ve seen certain orders and things, top secret. And I know the same thing for his dad, they’re all top secret. But I’ve seen him assigned to certain things that were space program related. Or at least they were at one time and now maybe they’re not classified anymore. But so I do have proof that he was assigned to some weird stuff. There’s many things I learned that he did lie to me about. But his military experience, I’m absolutely certain that he did not. And I’ve talked to his dead dad. Yeah. Who verifies, they were all in the military. So…

I wasn’t questioning that at all. What I was questioning was his understanding of… here’s my knowing, I’ll tell you my knowing. Okay. So my star people told me that your government made an agreement with a group of aliens many years ago. Many years ago. But those aliens actually didn’t have the best interests of humanity at heart.

Probably not.

They were out for themselves pretty much.


And so yeah, there’s a lot to it. It’s very political. I have no doubt that your husband’s had his experiences. And I actually spoke to a super-soldier a few seasons ago. Because this would be my 14th season. I spoke to a lady a few seasons ago. And she gave me great detail about how they work. And how they were injected with this, like gooey stuff. And you know? And how they they had this program with, I think they call it four and twenty? Or something? Where they can take…

Oh! Twenty and back..

That’s it! Twenty and back.

He was never part of that. And he, I would say he was a super-soldier, in the fact that he had very elite military training.Everything I’ve heard from the super soldiers at different conferences, his experience was not that. Yeah. He went into the military in the early 70s. And he’d been around the military his whole life, but his training is elite military training. Do I know everything that he went through?

No. But it’s interesting because yes, I do know that there were early meetings with different alien groups. And probably it didn’t always work out, a lot. Treaties were broken all the time. I do know that in. 1961, there was an interstellar treaty conference in southern England. And hun at least a hundred species of aliens were there. Some, came by spacecraft. Some came through portals. Some came out of the oceans, many different kinds. And lots of world leaders, political leaders, state leaders, royalty, all came. And President Kennedy and the British Prime Minister were there.

 And, Lyndon B. Johnson was there as the vice president. You had a lot of military leaders. My father in law was in charge of security. And my ex was there as a little kid. He and his little British girlfriend were allowed to hang out and play with some of the alien children whose parents were there as delegates. But they had different meetings and came to many agreements. And, created a big treaty. And I don’t know that all of it’s in place anymore, but the one that banned civilian communication is still in place.

And yeah, but they it’s do we let the humans go out into space? Do we sell them? Are you spacecraft? How many humans are we allowed to kidnap? Do we allow them to defend their planet? Lots of different logistical things. And, what was fascinating to me was just to hear about the different species and hear their stories. To hear about the different logistical preparations for such a meeting. It’s those aliens can’t stay at the same castle as this group because they hate each other. These need to have special tanks built for them. Cause they’re coming out of the ocean. And all this interesting stuff was. And my ex wrote a huge report about that.

So that was fascinating. The 10 years later, when he was a young adult, there was another conference like that in Iran. Under the guise of the Shah of Iran throwing this huge party to celebrate like the 2500 year anniversary of the monarchy. And so while you’re having, there’s pictures online, big party and stuff. But over here, maybe underground somewhere else in another tent or whatever, they were having more treaty conferences and, continued discussion.

And now you had a couple hundred species coming because species had heard about the first one. And by then my ex was also working security and stuff. So it’s just, it’s fascinating to hear. What, I’m very interested in what the different species are like. And now I pull into kind of like you, the spiritual side of it. Because, many of them are very spiritual.And with my knowledge of my magical practice, and some of their spiritual beliefs… and again, I’m of the mindset that we’re all connected, whether we look at… obviously we don’t all look the same. But we’re all connected. So I want to focus on that. And many of them want to communicate with us and connect with us.

How do we elevate ourselves to be on their plane? Because number one. They’re older than we are. So they’ve more evolved than we are. And they’re, probably way more spiritual than a lot of us. And a lot of them practice magic. A lot of them have fairies. So it’s that’s part of my world. So this is really cool. And one of my spirit guides is a raptor sorceress. It’s just part of my world.

I was going to say the reptilian species never lost their connection with the elementals at all. Throughout the eons, they’ve retained their connection with the elementals. And they tend to…

And I love hearing that, you might live on this other planet. And you’ve got elementals and you bring them here with you, when you come for a conference. And the elementals help translate for each other. But it’s how cool, we’re not the only ones who have elementals. Isn’t that wonderful? That’s another way that we’re similar. And they probably love their planet just as much as our elementals love our planet. And I firmly believe that, maybe not all lines of witchcraft. But certainly the British, which is, and again, witchcraft to me is science. And, we got the science from somewhere. And, they might’ve been taught, the witches are known for communicating with aliens. And, they could have gotten a lot of their information from them. But again, it’s just different ways to use natural law. So why not? Why not talk to people who’ve been using those laws for a long time?

Yeah, it is natural law. I 100 percent agree. But that started back in the Lemurian days.

Yes. And I do believe that one of my past lives, I don’t know whether it was Atlantis or Lemurian, but I lean towards Lemurian. I love learning more about them. And it’s yeah, I just think that’s pretty cool. It’s the energy part of it is just so fascinating to me. Yeah. I don’t know much about that past life of mine, but I do, when I see movies or something about it, I do resonate with it. And I’ve also had a reading once… couple of friends of mine. One is really she’s she goes to conferences and will help people find out which star family They’re from. She’s got a little grid thing she uses . And a pendulum. And then together she and this other psychic friend, They developed a set of Oracle cards that have aliens on them, and different things. I’d love to just sit around and chat with some non humans and interact. And, that just doesn’t scare me. Now, if you want to eat me, sure, I’m not going to want to do that. But I would just love to sit and chat. And have tea .And let’s just talk about what our families are like. Or, what we do here and what you do there. It’s very fascinating.

Very. I know one thing that my star people have consistently said to me that, and they find it really amusing. Is that how humans have to compartmentalize everything and put it in boxes. And label it. Like your angry or sad you are. It’s a separate. not an overall holistic thing. And we have to constantly label and put in boxes, so we can process it in our way of thinking.

Interesting. I have, and I always forget to pull this out when I’m doing a podcast, so forgive me, but I have a wonderful quote that a Raptor senator gave at the 1971 conference. And he was 300 years old at the time. And he’s still alive, at least as of a year or so ago, when I was last speaking to my ex. But It was, it just moves me to tears. Most times I read it, but it was all about how the universe. The whole universe that we’re a part of, is like just amazing and abundant and vast. And, even if you don’t have eyes or ears, you don’t look alike, everybody’s, everything is different. But we’re all part of this amazing universe and we’re all… there’s enough.

There’s an abundance of enough things to provide for us all. But also we’re just all uniquely wonderful and infinitely wonderful. And, you might look like this and I might think, eh. But that creature is just as amazing as I am. And they might be looking at me like going, oh and, but maybe that creature can’t even see me. And all they can do is touch my face and go, yeah, not like us. But it reminds us that, we’re all, everything in the universe is connected .And so why don’t we treat each other better? And, it’s just it’s very touching to me to have somebody from another place, that doesn’t look like me at all, doesn’t look like any of us here, have such a wise outlook on life and the universe and this connection. We’re all connected.

I remember seeing a reptilian once. I woke up one night to a bright light in my hallway to my left. And I looked up and around my bed, were a whole group of different sorts of beings.

Oh, wow.

And my son. actually had an experience that night as well, which kind of verified to me that this was real. You’re always questioning. That’s the human thing. Anyway, I looked towards the door and I saw this reptilian being standing there. And all I could see was his sharp teeth. And he terrified me. My first thought was, oh my god, he’s going to eat me! He’s going to eat me. Because all I could see was the teeth and this scary looking face. And the other beings kept saying, no, Marianne, you’re safe. He’s okay. You don’t have anything to worry about. He’s one of us. He’s with us. He’s safe. And once I got over my, initial human fear of seeing something so different to what I was used to seeing. By that stage, I’d seen multiple different types of beings. I’d seen beings that were feline in appearance. I’d seen all sorts.


He was the most loving, wise, kind. Being he was just absolutely beautiful. His appearance terrified me. But once I got over that, he was so loving and kind. And so I always get upset when people always tar species. Like all reptilians are bad. Or all greys are bad. Or whatever, and it’s just…

And they’re not.

They’re not. It’s like humans.

Exactly. And yes, there are some greys that work with some negative, less friendly species. There are some greys who work with us. And they’re very friendly. There’s some reptilians, especially the ones out in space who are awful. And work with governments that are, wanting to take over .And doing a lot of invading. And causing a lot of wars and in terrorism and stuff. But they’re not the reptilians that I know about.

Yeah. I see where you’re coming from, I totally see where you’re coming from ,when you say that. But, it’s my understanding, and my knowing, that your government is as involved in that, as any other government. As far as the fighting and everything goes.

Yeah, my government is Far less than perfect. Yeah. I totally agree. And different governments work with different .Alien, depends on what the agenda is. And who’s in charge at the moment. And the military is not always think in the same way that the president’s thinking. So…

Yeah. The president’s only a figurehead. Presidents come and go. They don’t control the reality. There’s a shadow government that does all that. And they, my star people told me back in the eighties. That your government had been told that they had to release the information of other extraterrestrial beings. And humanity’s place in the greater scheme of things. By a certain, they were given a time frame. And they were told that if this didn’t occur, then the choice would be taken out of their hands.

That’s what I was told back in the 80s. But they said that a certain number of, a certain portion of humanity had to reach an awakening stage. By awakening, they mean questioning the information they are fed. Questioning the religious constraints. Questioning everything. Questioning. And that happened maybe four years ago. And since then. I’ve noticed that your government has been, instead of drip, drip, dripping, there’s been a almost constant feed of information about different UFOs. Like the tic tac videos. The government hearings, blah, blah, blah. So yeah, their time is running out.

Yeah. And it’s interesting too, because again, my ex would say, especially back in the seventies. They knew where a lot of aliens were, where they actually lived. Were they going to tell the public? No. But, now telescopes and technology has, speeded up so much that, they’re afraid we’re going to see them. But There’s so much that the military has already known for so long. And it’s okay, could you catch up? Because all of us, a lot of us already believe this is real. And so you need to just start spilling the beans, but it’s especially You know, I used to go to several UFO conferences. And it’s so delightful to be among a group of people that actually believe what you believe instead of relying on what the government’s telling you anyway. It’s okay. So here’s the grassroots efforts to try and get this information out to the world. And, I loved that. Being around like minded people. I wasn’t going to wait for the government. Yeah. I did my small part.

Yeah. Yeah. Good for you. That’s your UFO night. Did he talk about the different species that he’s encountered or what sort of?

My ex? Yeah. Over the years, we were together 25 years. And and he didn’t tell me about this stuff right at the beginning. But once he did, he was slowly, giving me information. And. Especially when he wrote about the conferences and things, he could describe different aliens. And so yes, there’s several that I speak about and give descriptions of. We were going to work together and do more of that. And put out another report that was almost like this little dictionary, or encyclopedia. That never happened. But he’s compiled a lot of that information. But it’s just sitting there. And I no longer do my non-profit that was, farsing out this information. But I did learn about, a few different cat species and a really cool hound dog species that are merchants. And the cats are scientists and things. And more than one reptilian species.

And let’s see what else, some insects species. And some oceanic species, couple different kinds. I love if you ever saw the movie abyss. There’s a species that looks like that with its glowing lights inside, is that they’re beautiful. But the stuff we see in movies is often real. And that’s just a great way to show, teach us about this stuff. And I loved the movie. It wasn’t an adventure film, but it was, and I can’t even remember what it was called? But it was like 12 pods hovered around 12 different cities around the world and inside was like a water. Some kind of creature that was in like a tank of liquid and it was trying to communicate with some linguists.

Oh, I know that one. And they use this sort of smoke signals.

Yeah, and they put it on the windows. And the lady linguist, it’s and so she was trying to figure out his language and I loved that movie. Because, here’s reality, folks. It’s not all, Indiana Jones adventures type stuff. Some of it just is right out of Star Trek and Star Wars and all that. But some of it is you can learn how to communicate with each other. We don’t need to fight each other. They just want to communicate with us.

And. Even though that movie, it wasn’t boring to me. But I’m sure it was boring to a lot of people who saw it. But I loved it. But again, that’s what we should be working towards. It’s how do we get along? How do we tell each other what we’re like? And he’d never really told me about that kind of species. There are hundreds of species out there, there’s so many wonderful species out there. Okay. They’re not all friendly. But they’re all these amazing different creatures and we can learn so much from them.

Oh, yes!

Just appreciate our differences and similarities. The raptors, they’re very family oriented. And, just all kinds of cool little weird oddities that I know.

Very family oriented. The lineage thing is quite important, was quite important to that species. Anyway, yeah, very interesting. I always have been fascinated by different cultures, but here’s the thing. Humans can barely get along with each other.

We have a problem with that.

Yeah, we do have a slight problem with that. But that’s the nature of this reality we currently live in because we’ve lost our contact with nature. And that’s where the elementals come in. And for my listeners who aren’t aware, we’ve talked about elementals a bit. They’re the beings like the fairies, the sprites, brownies, elves, gnomes. I guess there’s 101 different species of elementals.

Yeah, I where I lived in California. One of the nice things is the ex grew up around elementals and his father had elementals and he had elementals. So when I moved into the house. He actually drew me a map and said, okay, here’s where the ones outside live. Here’s their names.

Okay. You need to put houses or beds for these ones. Here’s the ones that live inside. Here’s their names. This one’s a brownie. This one’s a Sprite, blah, blah, blah. This one’s a fairy. And some of the names I can’t pronounce, but I really. I shouldn’t say religiously, but I was very good about making beds and buying things at the garden shop for outside houses and things like that. And I would, I put out treats. I used to do it like many times a month. And it got to the point where I would just do it like for the new moon, the full moon, the quarter moon, things like that.

And special holidays. Christmas and Halloween and all the big human holidays. They love treats. So lots of sweets. And so I had no problem sharing my sweets with them. And every now and then they’d get a little meat or wine. But usually it was just food and, sometimes it was bread and water. And there was always water in the garden. Sometimes it was, cause I was also feeding the squirrels in the, Deer and everything else that came into the garden, but I don’t, there’s, here, it’s first for the fairies and then everybody else gets to share when the fairies are done. But there was seeds and peanuts and a variety of things that I kept out in the garden.

So everybody was happy. And, the deer came to have their babies in the yard and it was lovely and the X was really good. Especially in the last few years we were together. Once he was able to do hobby things again, he was building these lovely. little fairy rooms and fairy bedrooms and small houses. And he built some pretty elaborate fairy houses, which I didn’t get to keep, but I kept, he sent me some little bedrooms and things like that.

And I have a couple here at my house here. But he was really good and he put a lot of detail in it. So it’s because the fairies need to be honoured, all the elementals. They all need to be honoured. And I could sometimes see them, I couldn’t hear them. They wanted to talk to me so bad, but I couldn’t hear them. He could communicate with them. So sometimes he would have to relay a message to me later saying, so and so said this. And you need to do this. And sometimes when I would do something to upset one of them, I was like, okay, now you’re pushing me down the stairs. Or pushing me as I’m going up the stairs. Or, okay, my keys are missing.

Please help me find my keys. And you get very. Okay, I’m sorry I did that. Or, thank you. I know you’re laughing at me and I’m a silly human, please help me find the keys or I really need this piece of paper and I’ve looked through this pile five times. And finally the piece of paper is peeking out at me from the pile. Or finally the keys are just, okay, I know they were not there five minutes ago.

But they also want us to honour the planet. And especially, and as do the aliens or the non-humans that originated on this planet. The raptors love this planet, even though most of them are not here any more. But, this is their mother world. This is my mother world. This is the elementals that are from here. This is their mother world. Why are we not taking better care of it? , when I try to walk in my area every day. And I used to just walk for exercise. And now it’s more meditation because, I’m talking, I’m hugging trees. I’m talking to everything that’s, the plants and the animals .And everybody’s dog. And everybody’s cat. And, oh, the flowers are so pretty today. And, and if I’m in the woods, I will stand there and touch a tree. Nature’s huge to me. And it’s really speaks to my soul and just part of who I am, a part of what I need people to know.

A hundred percent. I had a guest on my show several times. He’s quite well known in New Zealand. And he has this instrument that he attaches to plants. And it creates music from the plants. Yeah. So amazing. But, he taught me something and I’ve done it ever since. And that’s, if you’re going to go on a bush walk, we call it bush in New Zealand. Or forest or hike or whatever you call it over there. Choose the tree that seems like the guardian tree to you and touch it and introduce yourself. Say, Hi, I’m Marianne. And I’m just coming. To enjoy your beauty. And you just introduce yourself and I’ve done that ever since. And I’ve found that the times that I do that I have a much more profound experience in the, in my walk in nature than I do normally. Because they pass the information on, trees communicate.

Because the trees are all connected. And do you do that with a different tree every time?

It depends where I’m going. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, like I’m not in New Zealand now. Currently I live in Australia, but yeah, there was a area outside of Napier, called White Pine Bush. And I used to go there all the time and I would just go to this one tree and say, Oh, I’m back again.

Nice. And right near me we have a park called Forest Park. Because it’s part of a forest and there’s lots of different trails and things. And I’ve been on, there’s a lower part and there’s a higher part and on the, in the higher part, it’s just, you’re walking through a forest. The redwoods and it’s a forest. It’s a fire road. So it’s really easy to walk. The other one is a narrow trail that lots of people go on, but it’s just lovely, six blocks from my house and I’m in a forest.

Oh, how wonderful.

It is amazing. It’s so amazing, and so right after a rain, you go and there’s all of a sudden new little waterfalls and, The birds are going crazy and it’s just amazing to see the water gushing and oh, there’s a waterfall that wasn’t there a couple of weeks ago because now we’ve just had this huge storm and things like that. But I just love going there all times, all different times of the year, I’ll go if it’s super muddy, I’m not going to go. But, I’ll go and just walk around some of the mud. Or, I will go many times of the year, except when it’s icy. Yeah, but It’s really nice to go and experience the different seasons and things like that.

So yeah, it’s really healing for the soul, isn’t it?

It is. And we need that.

Yeah, we do. My ideal place to live would be having the forest or the bush behind me and the sea in front of me.

Oh, that’s my ideal. You and I are best friends now.

Cause we’re lucky here in in New Zealand, more than Australia. You have that all around New Zealand because they’re two islands. You’re never far from the sea. It is not like in Australia where, you have to live on the coast to be near the sea. Otherwise, all the states the distances when I lived there was so vast. It was hard for me to get my head around them.

Yeah. And the Pacific Northwest is a bit like that because, we’ve got lots of forests and the ocean is not that far away. I still want to get up to the far, there’s a Northwest Washington. There’s the Olympic I don’t know if it’s a national park, but the Olympic Peninsula, and there’s this like foresty, canyony, There’s a rainforest in there as well. It’s I have to go there. I haven’t been there yet, it’s, I just, it’s one of my bucket list things. And it’s not, it’s a few hours away, but I haven’t, still haven’t gone there.

Oh, it sounds so beautiful. Now, do you still have a lot of connection with your elementals?

It’s funny because I practice my life as if I do. And I’m hoping that a couple of them came with me. Or some new ones have found me. I’ve got two little fairy houses or bedrooms here in my apartment. I do put treats out for them regularly. Like I said, especially on the new and the full moon. I’m pretty good about doing that and the holidays and stuff like that. So I act as if they are here. I don’t see them necessarily like I used to see them as much. But I do still pay honor to them and talk to them and act like they’re here. And I’m sure sometimes my cat acts like somebody’s running around, making him go nuts.

Mind you, cats. See spirits. That could be another reason?

My cat will see spirits as well. There was one apartment when I first moved to Portland. And I know the ghosts were peeking down through the attic, cause I was on the third floor. And the cats were all just looking up all the time. But yeah, so I act as if. They are here. And they haven’t played a lot of tricks on me. So I think they know my life is more in tune with, their rhythm and stuff. We’re getting along really well, whether I see them or not.

In many different cultures in New Zealand as well, with the Maori culture you don’t have elementals in the home. I spoke to an Irish gentleman who had an elemental fort on his farm. And he says no, do not ever invite them into your home. Ever. And in New Zealand, the Fae folk, there’s two types. There’s the Patupaiarehe, which are land based. And there’s the Punaturi, which are sea based elementals.

Oh, wow.

But they are human sized.

Human sized. Huh.

And very often they have red hair.

Oh wow. Cool. It’s interesting because again when I moved into the ex’s house, he would say, okay, there’s definitely ones. And there were garden elementals. And the garden is ruled by this one and you have house elementals. And the house is ruled by this one. And so for a while I was putting treats in the house for the house ones. And outside for the garden ones. But eventually I think they, the house ones went outside and joined the garden ones. But yeah, that we had them in both places. Yeah and one of my friends she did, she’s lives in England and she’s a lovely, she has lovely watercolour paintings. And she did the cover for my Midlife Magic book. So she threw in some fairies for me. And she just did a painting of some Undines. And they’re very human size. And they’re coming up out of the water. I don’t know if they  had tails like mermaids? But they’re very, they’re obviously water folk. But like you said, they’re, they look very human size.

Yeah, that was pretty cool. Yeah. Like humans, they come in all sizes and shapes and varieties. It’s just a part and parcel of this reality that we live in.But, there are so many more layers, than what we see. As one of my star people said to me once: ‘there are many more realities than the one you’re currently knowing of, Marianne.’

Yes. Yes, there are. And sometimes the elementals, if you do see them in their corporeal form, They’re going to show up the way you want to see them. Because then, if people have ever seen Brian Froud’s artwork, some of them look like a pile of sticks. And some of them look this way and some of them look this way. And it’s and even like the non-human that’s an oceanic species, the Nereids. They can take on a shape. If you want to see a mermaid, when you’re out to sea, they’ll look like a mermaid. If you want to see this, that’s what they’ll look like. And there, there are aliens that will they actually do look like dolphins. But there are some species that will just look like what you want to see. They’ll fulfill your fantasy.

Which says that they are telepathic.

Yes. Yes. And the ones… I’ve seen a couple in corporeal form. One time I was ..Watering, just watering the yard at the California house. And one of them must have been resting on a flower. Because all of a sudden, this little thing with human legs, was flying off. I was like, I don’t think that’s a butterfly. And another time. Not too long before I moved where I was working, my office was in the lower level of the house. And I have security cameras on each door. And usually the security camera would see different things flitting about in the upper garden. And it was usually the elementals flitting about it.

I’m sure there were moths too. But I like to believe it was the elementals most of the time. But anyway, one time I was working here at my desk and I happened to look at the camera and it’s Oh, that one’s changing shape from its energy form to a little person. It’s okay, I’ve got to run upstairs and say hello. By then it had disappeared because it knew I was coming and it’s darn, it knew I was watching it. But for just a second, or half a second, or whatever it was. That one was changing because it didn’t know I was watching. It’s oh, it’s so fun when you just see that kind of stuff. It’s yes, this is real. This is really cool.

Yeah, it’s very interesting. I know when I lived in the States with my then husband and my daughter, we had an experience with some elementals one night. Yeah. And at first we thought they were fireflies. Because we kept seeing this little light blinking.

Oh a light? Oh?

And we don’t have fireflies in New Zealand so they were a novelty to my daughter and I. But they weren’t fireflies. And they were elementals and they were responding when we were talking.

Oh wow.

Like we would ask them questions and the light would flare up and they stayed static in the one spot. And fireflies don’t, they go everywhere.

Yeah, no.

And it was much brighter than the firefly too. And even my husband who was a little bit sceptical. He was like, shocked at what was happening. Yeah, it was just a wonderful little experience. Because we had woods all in the back of our house.

That’s neat. Yeah I’ve been at some different conferences. Especially I went to England. I’ve been there five times. I went four times to speak at various conferences. And four times was that especially at one specific conference, they just kept having me back every time I said I could come. And then this one time I spoke, my raptor spirit guide was like right here. I had some psychics come up out of the audience.

And this one guy goes, I don’t really ever believe your stories. And I go, I know. He always rolls his eyes when I’m talking. And he goes, but when you started, the end of your talk, all three of them said, we saw who was behind you. And I said, cool. And especially they saw the raptor. It is endearing to know that you have those friends with you ,when you’re trying to speak this truth.

So really you’ve personally had connections with the Elemental thing, with the spirit world. But not so much with the ET side of it. The star people side of it.

No not personal connection. So I love hearing other people’s stories. I believe they’re real. I would love to talk to them. But I have not had a personal meeting or connection. No. Except for feeling my spirit guide, who’s a raptor standing right here. So yes, that connection. So yes, I guess I have had that connection. Have I seen them? No, but I’ve had the connection on a spiritual level.

And there’s, of course, so many more levels of reality.

And again, other dimensions, other, they’re right, it’s just right there. It’s just, just right there.

It was shown to me one time. And I’ve talked about this numerous times on my podcast. I was shown, like I saw myself sitting, talking to one of my favourite star people. And I saw myself sitting on a bench. And next thing, this pair of hands comes down and grabs us. And we’re just a speck of dust in this little boy’s hand. And he puts us in his pocket. And then it expands out to a larger view. Then another one. And I said to him why didn’t I know this before? And he said, you weren’t ready for this information before, but now you are. And what he was showing me, basically, was that this reality is like an onion. With earth being the core of the onion and multiple layers of the onion being the different dimensions that are around this reality.

I like that. And it wasn’t until I’d known my ex for years and stuff, and he was starting to talk to me about space science. But also one of my really good friends in the UFO community, she was saying… because I understand there’s timelines and I understand that many of us have had different lifetimes. But to me, in my head, that was always chronologically and linear. .And it’s okay, I was this, then I was this, then I was this. And it took me listening to her and then talking more with him. And it’s no, it’s just this big ball of goo. And all the timelines are just, right there. So it’s it’s huh. So here’s my medieval lifetime. And here’s my 2024 lifetime. And, they’re just, it’s that’s a fascinating way to look at it. And, cause why not?

Of course, time doesn’t exist as we, in this reality see time. And time’s just a, an arbitrary man made measure of, something that doesn’t really exist.

And if you’re in space, you can fold the waves of space together if you need to get somewhere faster. It’s oh, okay. Space science is fascinating to me. And again, it’s I’ve been in a castle where, you know, okay, this ghost is just like going through me. And then in the next room, it’s oh, I have lived in this castle before. And at that moment I could tell, Oh, this is my medieval self. It’s this is so cool. It was like, it was weird. And I go, okay. And I wasn’t the scullery maid. I was somebody in court. And not the queen or anything like that. But it’s I was somebody high enough so that I could be in the throne room. Okay. This is pretty cool. And for a minute there, time just melted away. And it was whatever it was 12 or 1300, or something. So it’s it’s so cool. Just have that just melt away and you’re right there.

Yeah. Timelines and timeline slips, are fascinating to me. They’re absolutely fascinating. And then you get into quantum physics. And then you get into.


Is this a reality that we live in? Or is this a holographic reality that we live in? You know?

That’s a good question.

Yeah. It’s just so much. And my mind constantly questions. And I just find this stuff endlessly fascinating. As I’m sure you do, Jo Ann.

 What’s fascinating is, a couple of times I’ve talked to my mom and my dad. And my dad was college educated, my mom was not. And we didn’t sit around talking about science. And my mom, we didn’t think of her as, very book smart or anything, but she was a good mom. I’m talking to my dead parents, and they’re starting to talk to me about quantum stuff. It’s like, what? You’re into quantum stuff now that you’re dead.

And it’s they just blew my mind with the fascinating things they started talking about. This is so cool because I’ve been learning a little bit about this. And now you’re in another dimension or reality. Or whatever you want to call the, once you passed over. I was like, and you know about quantum stuff. And you can talk to me about it and okay, this is a way more fascinating mom, than when you were alive.

Of course, here in this reality, our knowledge is deeply constrained. And deeply… deliberately people are kept in ignorance.

And it’s lovely to know that even after you’re gone. Or even after you leave this body, you could go and keep learning about all kinds of cool stuff. It’s okay. Cause not everybody chooses to reincarnate, there’s all kinds of possibilities after you leave this earth.

Well, learning never stops. Never stops.

This is so cool.

So where do you see yourself going from where you are now? Do you have any more books in you?

I do. I have started working on a book. And the working title is something about, messages from the grandmothers. And I forget what the subtitle is. Okay, my family never talked about their childhood. So i, I hardly knew anything about my mom’s life, my grandma’s life. Or let alone my great grandma’s life. And my great grandma died before I turned three. So I have a picture of her, I remember her. But I didn’t know her, so I’ve been inspired to write this book. Through the channeling medium, I’ve been interviewing my mom. And I’m just doing the four generations on her line. Her mom. So two great grandmas for me. And I’ve talked to all of them, and I have many more interviews too. It’s okay, what was your life like? What was, how were women regarded in your lifetime?

Because women’s rights is a huge, important thing to me. And being able to stand up and speak as a strong woman is very important to me. Especially going through the crappy marriages that I had. And the narciss I had to stand up for myself. So it’s very important. And, talking to grandmothers who never had the opportunity to vote.It’s so what was life like for you? And how did, so we haven’t gotten to all the nitty gritty, but it’s like, how did you show up for yourself? How did you use your voice as a woman? And then, what kind of toxic patterns are there? And also special gifts. Did you pass down to me? And then what do you want the future generations to know?

Good question.

So I’m, working on it. The structure’s being laid out. I’ve talked, I’ve had several meetings with the grandmas and I have several more to, to do. But it’s becoming very real and very exciting. And I love talking to them. And they’re so excited to share their wisdom. And then I can pass it forward to my daughter, my grandchildren, and whoever. Because it’s not going to be done by this election by any means, but it’s it’s just these times are important. And we need powerful leaders. We need powerful women leaders. But it’s just, I’m so grateful that they’re allowing me to speak for them. Because they have important things to say.

Oh, that’s lovely.

Even though they were, some of them were just farm wives. But they still have important things to say.

And they have skills that we would never have these days. So where can my my listeners con, how can they reach you if they wanna contact you? Are you on social media?

Yes. I’m everywhere, but yes. I’m on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. Under Joann Fawcett. I also have a website, joannfawcett.com. They can find me all kinds of places. I have emails. You can always message me through the social media. But on Joann Fawcett, it’s Joann at Joannfawcett. com. Email, whatever. All the social media. I love to hear from people. I’m happy to chat, talk more about the books. All that good stuff.

For my listeners who didn’t catch that, don’t worry I’ll have Joann’s information on her page on our podcast website, www.walkingtheshadowlands.Com. There will be links to Joann’s website and to her social media on that page. Joann, it’s been a really interesting conversation. I can tell that you’ve had a a very interesting life,

And it’s just getting better!

Oh, as it does. I think as women, we… as older women, we reach a stage in our life where we just don’t care about others opinions. And I think that’s the wise woman phase, isn’t it? You get past worrying about what other people think about you.

I love being a crone. It’s so great.

The thing is hasn’t crone always had such a negative connotation in this past while? But really crones used to be revered and honored for their wisdom.

Exactly. I love this phase of my life. I, I’m finally, it’s taken me 50 years to get here and really claim my life. So I love it. Yeah.

Good for you, Jo Ann. Thank you. It’s been wonderful talking to you. I’ve really enjoyed today. So thank you for coming on our podcast and sharing your life with us all.

I appreciate that. Thank you for having me.

Thank you for joining us in this enlightening conversation. A special thanks to Joann for sharing her insights on the fascinating intersections of spirituality, extraterrestrials and elementals. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a review. For more intriguing discussions, check out our previous podcasts.

And remember, this is the last season of Walking the Shadowlands, although we do have a few more episodes left to go before I call it a day. Until next time, this is Marianne, bidding you farewell from the Shadowlands.